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'54 Deaths

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’54 Combat Deaths
Short Bios for the
fourteen classmates who died in combat are shown
Herbert W. Booth, Jr. |
October 15, 1962 |
James H. Brodt |
May 29, 1963 |
Andre G. Broumas |
September 2, 1969 |
Blackshear M. Bryan, Jr. |
September 22, 1967 |
Sheldon J. Burnett |
March 7, 1971 |
Robert H. Gross |
December 10, 1967 |
Sayward N. Hall, Jr. |
April 21, 1965 |
Bruce J. Hughes |
July 3, 1953 |
Andre C. Lucas |
July 23, 1970 |
Elwin R. Shain |
July 28, 1968 |
James P. Spruill |
April 21, 1964 |
Andrew F. Underwood |
June 5, 1972 |
Numa A. Watson, Jr. |
June 22, 1953 |
Don J. York |
July 14, 1962 |
The fourteen bios
follow in alphabetical sequence.
Please send any comments or corrections to the
Page Monitor (Frank Hart). |
19 October 1930 - 15 October 1962
Bill was proud of his dad’s service in the Army
Air Corps in World War II. In high school he had
made up his mind for a pilot’s career in the Air
Force. He wanted the best preparation for this
career. This meant West Point. While waiting |
for his congressional appointment he spent two
years at Virginia Military Institute. Beast
Barracks and Plebe year were a breeze. He made
the Wrestling Team and sang in the Glee Club.
Bill saw that the Air Force was developing new
close-in support doctrine. He was an early
volunteer to become a Forward Air Control Pilot.
The U-10 aircraft was designed for football
field take off and landing and close-in fire
direction. Bill was ready when the call came for
volunteers to put this doctrine to the test in
support of ARVN units. He knew it was high risk
but he was determined to be on the cutting edge.
This tour deferred a German attaché assignment
Bill had earned against stiff competition. On
October 15, 1962 Bill piloted his plane into
harms way with an Army captain and a sergeant as
observers. They took heavy ground fire and went
down to instant death.
It’s stunning to relive the memory of Bill’s
death. He was one of West Point’s best men. He
was our class’s second combat death. His
courage, his hero’s death, his Distinguished
Flying Cross live on to inspire us all. Much of
the sadness of his passing is the loss of a good
friend, good husband, good father and now good
grandfather. Bill married Nancy Penrose August
21, 1955. His son Herbert was 19 months, his
daughter, Victoria, just days old when he left
for ‘Nam. Now Herb and Shelley have Ian,
and Vicki and Ron have three boys Bradley,
Westley and Riley. This is a full and proud
legacy. Bill’s ashes were scattered over the
Gulf of Mexico.
-- Bill
Schulz <<back to top>>
4 June 1932 - 29 May 1963
James Henry Brodt was born and
raised in Blue Earth, Minnesota. After an
outstanding record as a student at Blue Earth
High School, he entered West Point.
Selecting Armor, Jim's first assignment after
graduation from West Point was with the 82nd
Airborne Division at Fort |
Bragg. It was during this
period that he married Leason Chance Bovard in
Cocoa, Florida. Shortly thereafter, Jim and
Leason deployed to Germany with the 8th Infantry
Division. It was in Germany that his twin
daughters, Leslie Ann and Catherine Croix, were
born. It was there also that Jim resigned his
commission. In late 1957, he and his family
settled in Cocoa, Florida. However, Jim soon
became dissatisfied with civilian life and
returned to the colors.
When the Vietnam War began to
intensify in 1962, Jim volunteered for service
with Special Forces. Jim got his wish and was
assigned to the 1st Special Forces Group in
Okinawa which sent A teams, one of which Jim
commanded, to Vietnam for 6 months TDY tours.
Jim's team was in Quang Ngai province in the
Central Highlands. Jim plunged himself into the
job with his usual enthusiasm and gusto. Not
only were the Vietnamese that he was advising
fighting the Viet Cong but also they were
improving the lives of the highland Montagnards.
It was during this assignment that Jim met his
death on May 29, 1963. Jim's team was ambushed
by the Viet Cong during a patrol in the last
weeks of his tour. During the ambush, Jim's
radio operator was wounded. Jim returned to
rescue him from the killing zone and, in doing
so, was killed himself. Jim's selflessness and
courage are in keeping with the finest
traditions of West Point.
Jim is buried at Cocoa, Florida,
the home that he adopted during his brief stint
as a civilian. That city engraved his name on a
monument honoring the members of the community
who gave their lives in our nation's wars. In
addition, a Special Forces Camp in Vietnam was
named Camp Brodt in Jim's honor. His class ring
was returned to West Point by his widow for
display in the museum. Jim's widow has since
died and is buried next to Jim.
Doug Stuart,
Phil & Yale Weatherby
<<back to top>>
12 January 1932 - 2 September 1969
"ANOTHER DAY IN WHICH TO EXCEL!" Andre said this many times, to his
men, to his contemporaries, even to his family,
often in a humorous way. Yet these words were more than a cliché, and their reiteration had
a purpose. To Andre, they were a way of |
his philosophy of life. Although these words
were spoken to others, they usually were
self-directed, and he excelled as husband,
father, and friend. The mutual love and
affection among Andre, his wife Gene, and their
children, Margaret, Jamie, and Andre, Jr., were
apparent to all who knew them. Intense and
dynamic in performing his military duties, Andre
was also thoughtful and kind, and his capacity
for deep and lasting friendships touched both
military and civilian communities.
Andre excelled as a professional soldier, and an explanation of his
success requires more than a recitation of early
promotions, decorations, and honors, as two
examples will show. Andre served as the
commander of the first contingent to remain at
Camp Century during the winter. Located under
the Greenland icecap and 100 miles from its base
camp, Camp Century provided the unusual
challenges of survival while supporting arctic
research activities. As a testament to Andre's
leadership, one of his soldiers later wrote that
"the men of Camp Century would have done
anything for Captain Broumas, because he always
put us first without compromising the mission."
Andre was also an outstanding instructor in the
Department of Mechanics, as exemplified by the
selection of his class for a visit by the
Secretary of the Army. His performance that day,
as reported by a classmate, was perfect.
In his last assignment, Andre returned to Vietnam to rejoin the 8th
Engineer Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division, this
time as its commander. Five months later he died
when his command helicopter was downed by enemy
fire. His service, sense of duty, and courage
have been honored at Broumas Memorial Park, part
of the 1st Cavalry Division Museum at Fort Hood.
Andre was a man of unlimited drive, pervasive
spirit, and deep religious faith. These
attributes combined to make him a natural
leader. At Andre's funeral the eulogy was given
by Command Sergeant Major Salazar, who said: "In
my heart I will always carry that proud feeling
of having known him and having served him."
Interred at West Point.
-- Jim Ransone, Ed Keiser,
Jim Miller
<<back to top>>
28 October 1928 - 22 September 1967
Blackshear Morrison Bryan, Jr. was one of the tall young men
entering West Point in July of 1950 to
begin his journey toward a military
career. "Babe", as he was known by his classmates, was born at the West
Point Hospital, where his father,
himself a graduate, was assigned to help |
coach the
football team. In 1955, when his dad was
Superintendent, Lieutenant Morrie Bryan, a name
his sweetheart preferred, and Catherine were
married at the Cadet Chapel.
Influenced by Air Force orientations, Morrie sought an Air Force
commission. After flight school he qualified as
an F-86D pilot. He joined the 323rd Fighter
Interceptor Squadron at Truax AF Base in
Wisconsin where his family began to grow. He was
transferred to Japan for one of the happiest
periods of their lives. He taught conversational
English to their neighbors and Japanese to his
family. Their son Morrison went to Japanese
school, while his younger sister, Claudia,
stayed home with their Mom enjoying their
Japanese community. He was then assigned to
Germany and while living there, the family took
countless excursions to explore sights which dad
had spotted from the cockpit. In 1963, as a
Captain, Morrie, requested transfer to the US
Army. He was assigned to the Transportation
Corps, completed flight transition and ordered
to Ft. Eustis, Virginia where his daughter
Catherine Anne was born. In 1967, as he was
rounding out his tour in Vietnam, he was killed
in a crash during a U-21A training mission while
avoiding trespassers on the runway. Major Bryan
was cited for heroism twice during his tour.
The family of Blackshear M. Bryan, Jr., his widow and children,
father and mother, brothers and sister, were all
comforted with the knowledge that his dedicated
service and sacrifice brought great credit to
him, and his country. They shared their grief
for this man who was a quiet hero, husband,
father, son and sibling. He is buried at the
West Point Cemetery beside his father and his
younger brother, Jamie, who after two valorous
tours in Vietnam, died in a military aircraft
accident in 1967. Morrie is survived by his
widow Catherine and their three children, B.
Morrison Bryan, III, Claudia C. Bryan, Catherine
Anne Bryan Brown and six grandchildren.
--Len Reed <<back to top>>
June 1931 - 7March 1971
The remains of Sheldon John Burnett, Colonel, U
S Army, were brought home in April 2005 after 35
years of mystery. Shelly’s military career
began in July 1950 when a Congressional
appointment brought him from Wisconsin to join
the USMA Class of 1954. He was an active |
member of the Dialectic Society behind the
scenes, and he stood high enough in the class to
be able to choose Armor upon graduation.
He married Margaret in 1954. They had four
children, Michael, Steven, Patricia, and Leigh.
After his initial assignments, he earned an MS
degree in electrical engineering from Georgia
Tech, and was then assigned to the Army Armor
Board and Fort Knox. He graduated from CGSC and
was assigned as an advisor to an ARVN cavalry
unit. He returned from Vietnam for two-year's
duty with the Vice Chief of Staff’s Office where
he worked on major Armor projects such as the M1
Abrams Tank. When offered an opportunity to
return to Vietnam for a command assignment, he
eagerly accepted.
In October 1969, Shelly took command of the 1st
Squadron, 1st Cavalry, 23d Division, operating
in the I Corps area. In March 1970, he flew out
to check on an element of his Company A. What
was assumed to be their LZ proved to be an
ambush, and the OH58 was shot down. Two
passengers were unhurt in the crash and escaped,
but Shelly and the pilot were so badly injured
that they could not escape. The command was
unable to mount a rescue and he died the day of
the crash. In September 2004, his burial site
was located and Shelly came back to be buried in
Arlington National Cemetery.
--Bob Hunt
<<back to top>>
20 January 1929 – 10 December 1967
On 20 December, 1967, Lieutenant Colonel
Robert H. Gross made his last West Point
Formation. As in everything Bob did, the
last formation was perfection.
The honor guard from his Cadet Company,
the Military Academy Band, the friends
and relatives, all presented a picture
that Bob |
would have appreciated. Bob was born to Mildred
and Roy Gross in Detroit, Michigan. He graduated
from high school in 1946, attended the
University of Detroit from 1946 to 1949 and
entered the military academy in July, 1949.
Bob’s roommates made some astute observations:
He had a serious air, quickly supplanted by a
sense of humor. He was a loyal and trustworthy
friend. His best subject was Portuguese. He had
some problems with other departments. When
kidded about not standing high enough to get
anything but infantry he would laugh and say
that’s what he wanted. Bob attended the Basic
Infantry and Airborne Courses at Fort Benning.
In November 1955, he married Rita Rogers at West
Point. They were blessed with two children,
Courtland and Gabriella.
Although reluctant to leave his family, Bob was
pleased to join the Big Red One in Vietnam.
While conducting a search for a missing soldier,
Bob’s helicopter crashed and burned. He was
posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the
Air Medal, and the Joint Service Commendation
Medal. The true essence of a man’s character is
not contained in words spoken of him while
living but in how he is remembered when gone. We
recall Bob Gross as an outstanding officer, a
loyal friend, a devoted son, and a loving
husband and father.
<<back to top>>
26 December 1928 - 21 April 1965
Sayward (“Pete”) was born in Thomaston, Maine, to Sayward N. Hall,
Sr. and Barbara Knight Hall. Pete
graduated from Thomaston High School in
1947 and the same month enlisted in the
Army. He served in the occupation of
Korea in the Infantry, where he |
earned promotion to Sergeant and subsequently
took and passed the West Point entrance
examination. During his time at West Point, Pete
was known for his quiet friendliness. He had
that Maine dry humor, was even tempered, and was
a man of his word. He always knew where he was
going when he graduated. A roommate remembers
whenever academics got too tough, he would
always open his desk drawer, pull out a Blitz
cloth and polish his Infantry crossed rifles,
saying he didn’t need to compete for the
Engineers because he was going back to his
beloved Infantry. On Christmas leave to Maine in
1951, Cliff Landry ‘53 introduced him to Mary T. Cowhig, from Boston, Massachusetts. This was to
be the love of his all too short life.
After graduation, Pete went to Airborne School and Ranger School.
In 1955 he married Mary, and they had five
children: Sayward III, Nancy, Michael, Stephen,
and Matthew. After an assignment at Fort Carson,
Pete went to Fort Rucker for flight training.
After he became qualified as a pilot, Pete
served in a number of units in the U. S. and
overseas. In Nov 1964, Pete took command of the
119th Aviation Company at Pleiku, Vietnam. He
commanded the 119th until 7 February 1965, when
he suffered fragmentation wounds as a result of
an enemy attack. Major Pete Hall died of his
wounds 73 days later on 21 April 1965, in a
hospital in the Philippines. He was awarded the
Bronze Star (Valor, OLC), Purple Heart (OLC),
and Air Medal (2 OLC). He was interred at
Thomaston, Maine.
Pete is survived by his widow Mary, their five children, and ten
grandchildren. Mary remembers: “We met under the
Christmas tree one memorable holiday season.
Pete will always be remembered as a kind and
loyal husband. He loved his family and always
felt fortunate that he was able to be present as
his five children entered the world. True to the
West Point tradition of Duty, Honor, Country, he
distinguished himself by personally directing
the relief and evacuation of men of his command,
who were wounded in the Viet Cong attack at Camp
Holloway, before falling to mortar fragments
himself. He is not forgotten and will always be
Sayward N. Hall IV, Mary Hall Stone
and Jim Hays
<<back to top>>
27 February 1931 - 3 July 1953
BJ was a warrior. He was born into a family of
warriors. His father fought as a member
of the United States Army during the
Philippines Insurrection. Three of his
four brothers fought in World War II:
William was awarded the Silver Star, the
Bronze Star and the Purple Heart; |
received a battlefield commission for bravery;
and Ernest also served his country. His fourth
brother, Charles, sustained an injury while a
member of the 82nd Airborne Division during the
Korean War and did not go overseas.
BJ showed his fighting heart early as an
outstanding boxer in high school. He won the
Golden Gloves championship three times in High
Point, North Carolina, and won championships in
other cities in North Carolina. BJ received a
Congressional appointment to West Point and
entered on July 5, 1950. He continued his boxing
career at West Point, establishing himself as a
rising star in the squared circle. The Boxing
Team report in the 1952 Howitzer states
that “outstanding among the new men were BJ
Hughes at 165 and …” BJ showed his true boxing
ability by winning the Eastern Intercollegiate
Championship in that year.
In June 1952 BJ lost his last “fight” at West
Point when he was “turned out” for academic
deficiency. He returned home and joined the
United States Army as a volunteer on September
11, 1952. Because of his experience at West
Point and his outstanding leadership abilities,
BJ was appointed the commander of his Basic
Training Company. Upon completion of this
training he received orders to Korea. On July 3,
1953, BJ was struck and killed by a bullet from
another soldier’s rifle, which accidentally
discharged when it was leaned against a stump.
He had been on the frontlines for 8 weeks. BJ
was awarded the Bronze Star for his service in
Korea. He is buried at Arlington National
Cemetery. His sister, Mrs. Donie Chatfield, and
a brother, Ernest Hughes, survive him.
<<back to top>>
2 October 1930 - 23 July 1970
ANDRE CAVARO LUCAS brought two strong military traditions to West
Point, one American, the other French.
His father was a career Army officer who
commanded a company in the 26th Infantry
Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, during
WWI. Andre served as an enlisted soldier
in the |
same company before
entering West Point. His mother insisted that
Andre receive his secondary education in her
home town in France, where he was imbued with
the glories of French military prowess during
the Napoleonic wars. At West Point, his mother
was thrilled to watch the Corps of Cadets march
to the music “Sombre et Meuse.” For Andre, being
a professional army officer was preordained. He
never considered any other path.
Late in his Third Class year, Andre met his future wife, Madeleine
Miller, fluent in French and of Swiss-French
parentage. A strong personality, Madeleine gave
him two sons and unflinching support for the
rest of his life. The Lucases were famous for
their hospitality, good wine and cuisine, and
hilarious parties. Never ordinary people, they
lived with energy and wonderful imagination.
Their two sons, John and William, added to the
excitement that always surrounded their home.
After service in Germany, at Fort Benning and then at West Point as
a Tactical Officer, Andre went to Vietnam where
he advised a Vietnamese battalion, winning the
first of two Silver Stars. Returning to the
States, Andre completed CGSC and then the French
War College. After commanding 1st
Battalion, 34th Infantry in Germany
and as G3 of 24th Division at fort
Riley, he sought to return to Vietnam to command
a battalion in combat.
While commanding the 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry, the
“Currahees,” in the 101st Airmobile Division, he
was surrounded by a much larger North Vietnamese
regular force. His battalion fought for three
weeks before Andre was allowed to evacuate his
unit. Preparing to depart the fire base on the
last helicopter out, Andre was hit by rocket
fire and lost a leg. He died on 23 July 1970 on
Fire Base Ripcord. For his repeated bravery
during the sustained close combat of Ripcord,
Andre was awarded the Medal of Honor, the only
member of Class of 1954 to be so recognized.
<<back to top>>
27 August 1931 - 28 July 1968
As a leader, family man, pilot, athlete and friend, Rox Shain was
exemplary. He excelled in leadership
roles as a West Point cadet, and later
as an officer and pilot in the United
States Air Force always exceeding the
high standards |
required of him with integrity and professionalism. Moreover, he
compassionately nurtured his charges and
imparted the exceptional knowledge of his job
and the in-depth understanding he had of people
to assist them in achieving their goals. He led
by example, and his subordinates willingly
followed out of total respect.
Rox and his wife, Nancy, enjoyed a "storybook romance." Their joy
of bringing their family of two daughters,
Christy and Sarah, and a son, Rox, into the
world was an inspiration to their friends and
family. Rox experienced an enviable USAF career
until he met his fate performing the duties
asked by his beloved Country. In conjunction
with his duties as a combat fighter pilot, Rox
held a variety of other assignments including
physical education instructor at the newly
formed Air Force Academy, aircraft maintenance
officer, aide de camp, and Headquarters USAF
staff officer. In addition to his busy career,
Rox also achieved a master’s degree in business
administration. While assigned as maintenance
officer of a Tactical Fighter Squadron in
Vietnam, Rox also completed over two hundred
close air support combat missions. As the end of
his tour approached, Rox refused the opportunity
to let someone else take his last mission. He
was not the kind of leader who would or could
allow someone else to face the hazards involved,
nor would he compromise his deep sense of duty.
He paid the ultimate price on that last mission
for being a true American hero.
Many of us benefited from the actions of this courageous aviator
and warrior who successfully met the challenges
that were his destiny. We are eternally grateful
for having known this man. Interred at Iowa
City, Iowa.
--Jack Krause <<back to top>>
10 February 1931 - 21 April 1964
It was March, 1964 at Tan Son Nuit Air Base in South Vietnam. I was
out-processing after my first ‘Nam tour
when I heard a familiar voice across the
room calling my West Point nickname,
“Jake.” I looked up and there stood my
old friend, Jim Spruill. Since I didn't
fly out |
until the next day we agreed to
have dinner that night. I took him to 'Cheap Charlies', a Chinese floating restaurant on the
Mekong River. After dinner we sat there until
they closed. Up early for the first flight out,
I went by Jim's room to say goodbye. He was
still in bed. I said "Take care, Jim.” Jim
mumbled back "Have a good flight, Jake.” Within
a few weeks my old friend would be killed. Jim
was with the SDC Training Center at Vinh Long
Province. He was proceeding along a highway in
the IV Corps area with his ARVN counterpart when
the group was ambushed by the VC and Jim was
This loss hit me hard because Jim was my best friend. We first
became well acquainted at Camp Buckner, our
Yearling year. Each Sunday after Chapel Services
we would paddle our canoe out on the beautiful
Lake Popolopen. We fished, talked and laughed.
Jim was such a delight to be with. Philosophy
was his favorite subject. It was on this lake
that I got to know the depth of Jim Spruill and
it was here that I grew to respect him so much.
I agree with how Jim’s West Point roommate
described him: “I have never found anyone more
basically honest, more honorable, more
forthright, or anyone so completely and
genuinely sincere. Jim was a thinker. He was
never willing to accept the pedagogical tirades
of the classroom without asking ‘why?’, without
challenging false premises, without stripping
away the sham of false tradition.” Jim’s
character and compassion surfaced in the letters
he wrote from Vietnam which his wife provided
the newspapers and were published by the U. S.
Government. In one, he wrote, “…we must stand
strong and give heart to an embattled and
confused people. This cannot be done if America
loses heart.”
I am drawn finally to something else that Jim once wrote, “You
cannot chart such a man, you cannot encompass
him, neither can you pass his way without
experiencing the sweetness in the air and the
strange comforting feeling that comes from the
undefined nearness of something real yet
unseen.” Unknowingly, Jim Spruill was describing
himself. Jim was survived by his wife Barbara
and children Mark and Elizabeth. Interred at
--Jim Chandler <<back to top>>
6 August 1928 - 5 June 1972
Andy hailed from a family of infantry officers. His father
was Class of 1909. Best known as a cadet
for his physical exploits which earned
him (a total surprise to Andy) an award
at graduation for standing Number One in
Physical Education. He was the first recipient of this |
award. It was
indeed exciting to watch Andy on the obstacle
course. He lettered in swimming where his
specialty was diving, and also in track. While
in "prep school" Andy assisted his uncle (Class
of June 1918) in completing design and
assembling a pipe organ in an Episcopal church
in Washington, D. C. and at USMA he drew
cartoons for the "Pointer" magazine, all of this
contrasting with his physical education persona.
He married the former Vallette (Val) Chellew, the daughter of an
Army Colonel. Andy received his Masters at
Indiana University and the family was posted to
West Point where he was in the Tactics Dept. In
Vietnam 1966-67 Andy was awarded The Bronze Star
Medal, Purple Heart, Air Medal and Combat
Infantryman Badge. Physical conditioning saved
his life as he was rescued from a river in
Vietnam by a medic after a soldier behind him
tripped a submerged land mine and was killed,
costing Andy 225 stitches. Andy recovered to do
high dives with skill and play handball again.
After CGSC and a tour with the Combat Development Center, Andy
returned again to Vietnam in 1971. He was aboard
a C46 in damp foggy weather when the aircraft
flew into a mountain on 5 June 1972. Andy is
buried at Arlington. He is survived by his wife
Val, of Houston, TX, daughters Karen and Connie
and two grandchildren who live nearby.
--Paul Reistrup <<back to top>>
12 July 1928 - 22 June 1953
Numa A. Watson, Jr. was a third generation West
Pointer and a third generation Infantry officer.
Numa’s grandfather, Brigadier General Frank B.
Watson, Class of 1895, named his son Numa
Augustin Watson after his classmate Joseph Numa
Augustin who was killed in Cuba |
at the Battle of San Juan Hill. Numa Watson graduated with the
Class of 1922 and retired as a Major General.
Both General Watsons were distinguished infantry
officers and regimental commanders.
Numa A. Watson, Jr. was born in Washington, DC on 12 July 1928. He
wanted to pursue a military career and enlisted
in the Air Force to facilitate an appointment to
West Point. He succeeded and entered the Academy
with the Class of 1954 on 5 July 1950. Although
Numa loved West Point, he had an even greater
love for his lifelong sweetheart, Ruth Ross,
whom he married after resigning from the Academy
in 1951. He and Ruth had two sons, Numa III and
Numa enlisted in the Army and attended OCS at Fort Benning,
Georgia. He was a distinguished graduate and
commissioned in the Infantry. He was assigned as
a rifle platoon leader in the 65th
Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry
Division in Korea. His father was in Korea at
the same time, serving as the Assistant
Commander of the 24th Infantry
Division. The 65th Regiment saw
fierce fighting. By then a 1st
Lieutenant, Numa was serving as a liaison
officer during the Battle of Outpost Henry on 10
June 1953. His bunker received a direct hit from
an artillery shell and Numa was severely
wounded, dying of those wounds on 22 June 1953.
Numa is buried at the Presidio National
Cemetery, Presidio of San Francisco, California.
Later, Ruth married Alfred “Sandy” Sanderson,
Class of 1950, who adopted Numa III and Dale.
--Bob Goodwin <<back to top>>
28 November 1932 - 14 July 1962
Don Joseph York lived his life and served his country with
dedication and a quiet enthusiasm that
was infectious to those who knew him.
Born in Asheville, North Carolina, he
grew up admiring his uncle, a West Point
graduate whose |
footsteps he yearned to follow. Don entered the Corps as a
member of the Class of 1954 and earned even more
admiration from classmates and others whose
lives he touched with his combination of boyhood
enthusiasm and dedication. Upon graduation he
entered the Infantry and began his short but
productive career as a military officer. He
married a home town sweetheart, Johanna Mooney,
in his family church in North Carolina, adding a
partner who would mean so much to him in years
to come.
After Infantry, Ranger and Airborne training, Don had assignments
in Washington, Alaska, Fort Benning and Fort
Bragg, where he gained a reputation as one of
the finest company commanders in his division.
Based on his past performance, Don was selected
as an advisor with the Vietnamese Airborne
Brigade, a prestigious posting. He became
popular with the Vietnamese through his
self-taught use of their language, his guitar
playing and singing of Vietnamese folk songs in
lighter moments, and his worship in a Vietnamese
Catholic church. On 14 July 1962, Don
volunteered to accompany two companies of his
battalion on a convoy escort mission from Ben
Cat to Saigon. At 0800 hours on Highway 13 north
of Saigon, the convoy was ambushed by a Viet
Cong battalion. Don’s vehicle, fifth from the
convoy lead, was destroyed along with one other,
and all occupants were killed. Because Don had
taken the precaution of ensuring adequate
spacing between vehicles in the convoy, no
others were destroyed.
Sadness prevailed among all those who knew Captain York. The
Vietnamese named a building after him, and his
former U.S. unit designated an athletic trophy
in his honor. He was brought home and laid to
rest in his beloved North Carolina mountain
--Wayne Cantrell <<back to top>>